Sunday, March 9, 2014

Linus - Hell on Wheels

This is Linus. He is almost two years old and is more than a handful. When I'm writing, he takes it upon himself to ensure I take regular breaks by planting himself on my lap. Then, he proceeds to block my ability to access my keys by pouncing, batting, swinging, and nipping at my fingers. It does not matter where I am (office, bedroom, living room, or kitchen) it's all fair game to him.

Linus became a part of our household when he was about four months old. My daughter hand picked him from a room full of kittens at our local Animal Defense League. He is sweet and loving with a humongous attitude. When we first brought him home, he ran through the house like a 'bat out of hell'. I lost count of how many times he ran up and down the wooden stairs. He made me tired just watching him, plus he had the whole family laughing so hard that tears were flowing from our eyes.

Our little bundle of joy (with endless energy) keeps life interesting on a daily basis. He is the inspiration behind a character named Morph in one of my science fiction novels, which is due to be released this spring/summer, titled: Sarah De Luz - Child of the Night.

You can find me on Facebook and/or twitter:
Twitter - @AprilALunaWrite –
Facebook Writer’s page:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Truth or Consequences

Excerpt: 'Truth or Consequences'
Scheduled for release May 2014

My hand slides over the smooth surface. I flip the lever with the tips of my fingers. Light illuminates the bathroom walls. Stepping inside, I lock door behind me. The vanity is heather-gray and a floral border lines the walls. I look into the oval mirror. My eyes are red and blood-shot, which now match my hair color. God, how I wish my grandmother was here. But she’s not, and honestly, I’ve never felt so alone.
I turn the brass knobs on the faucet. The water is cool against my tear-stained face. I’m surprised to find my hands are steady as I dry off. Opening the door, I venture out into the small hallway. Indistinct voices sound in the distance. A door swings open. I gasp as I’m slammed against the cream colored wall.
“Why dear, did I hurt you?” Mrs. Rankin eyes me closely.
I draw in a deep breath and plaster a forced smile across my face. “No. I’m fine.” Should've known it was the bat out of hell, again.
I can’t help but think the day is getting better and better. If this pace keeps up, I’ll encounter flying monkeys by noon, especially since I met the warped and twisted version of the scarecrow, named Stephen, this morning, who, evidently, is in serious need of a brain and some scruples.
“Oh. Thank goodness.” Mrs. Rankin’s pinched face softens.
I gaze right then left. My heart sinks. Crap. I’m turned around. I don’t remember how to get back to the office.
“You look lost, love. Do you know where you’re headed?”
“Mr. Crawford’s office—”
“I’m going that way. So, follow me.” She removes her granny glasses. They dangle on a chain around her neck. I watch as they swing back and forth like a pendulum as she waddles back and forth down the hall.
“Thanks, Mrs. Rankin.”
“What’s your name, dear?”
“Danielle Herring . . . Herrington, but most people call me Danny,” I say as we enter the waiting room.
“You’re Danny Herrington?” A familiar voice booms behind us.
I spin around and come face-to-face with the man from the restaurant. He glares at me. His lips are pursed tightly into a thin white line. I nod then swallow what feels like a large lump in my throat.
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
“Excuse me—” I take a few steps back.
“You heard me.” He towers over me. “I didn’t stutter.”
“Drake, what on earth has gotten into you?” Mrs. Rankin asks.
He looks down at me with clenched jaws. “Why don’t you ask her?”
My mouth goes dry, and my heart is pounding, racing in my chest. Did I hear Mrs. Rankin correctly? Did she just address him as Drake? I square my shoulders and lift my chin, meeting his cold gaze. Oh man. All I can think is this is not going to end well.
“Who . . . who are you?” I ask, barely above a whisper, unable to keep the tremor out of my voice.
He takes a step into my personal space. I place my hands on his chest. However, pushing him away is akin to trying to shove a brick wall back a few inches, which is not going to happen.
“Don’t be coy with me.”
Standing on the tips of my toes, I peer over his shoulder, making eye contact with Mrs. Rankin, who turns and walks down the hallway. Where the hell is she going? And why isn’t she doing something—anything?
“So, was that all staged in the restaurant?”
I snap my head back and glare at him. “What did you just say?”
“You heard me.” He leans down closer to my face.
“Do I look as if I want strange men falling on me? Or touching me for that matter?” Okay. Perhaps that was not the right thing to say to the angry six-foot refrigerator.
“You didn’t complain in the restaurant.”
“Well, let’s not forget, he was your friend, not mine.” Oh. My. God! I did not just open my big mouth.
“What did you say?”
I attempt to slide out from under him. He grabs hold of my shoulders, pressing his body against me. Crap. What do I do now? And, why the hell does he have to smell so good?
“Oh. Excellent. I see you’ve met Miss Herring,” says Mr. Crawford. He puts his arm around Drake’s shoulder, peeling him off my body. “Come on son. Let’s take this into my office.”
Mrs. Rankin takes a step forward. She brushes hair out of my face. Wrapping an arm around my waist, she gives me a tight squeeze accompanied by a quick wink.
I shudder, exhale, and then walk toward the hallway.
“Don’t mind him, dearie. His bark is far worse than his bite.”
“I’m not sure about that.”
Mrs. Rankin walks with me to Mr. Crawford’s office. I stop in the open doorway, frozen in place as the blood drains from my face. Drake’s eyes fall upon me. A shiver runs up my spine. As if one sociopath a day is not enough, encountering two in the same room, at the same time, is well above my threshold.
“Come on, dear. I’ll walk you in.” Mrs. Rankin guides me to the table. When I sit, she nods at Mr. Crawford then exits the room, closing the door behind her.
Stephen looks at me. “You okay?” He sets his coffee down on the top of the table.

“Do you really care?” I regret the words before they’re even off the tip of my tongue. Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Truth or Consequences

I'm excited to reveal the cover for Truth or Consequences, a romantic thriller. Soul Mate Publishing has slated a tentative release in May.

Danielle Herring is happy with her life in Texas just the way it is – easy, relaxed, and simplistic; however, conflicting worlds collide and heinous transgressions are committed when she’s whisked to New Mexico and into a world she doesn’t understand. If she had realized the impact of her beloved Grandma Mae’s last words, her life may have been easier. Danielle may have been prepared to face the daunting skeletons. The ones locked deep in the recesses of a dark and looming closet where treachery lurks in the shadows of her family tree.
While searching for answers to the secrets of her past, she unknowingly makes the skeletons dance and is thrust into the arms of two men she knows little about. Drake Del Bosque and Stephen Briggs are everything her grandmother tried to protect her from. Drake is dark and foreboding. Stephen is abrupt and brash. Who should she trust?

Danielle may have been kept in the dark, but she is not blind to the meaning of love and family. She is caught in a formidable love triangle that will test her courage and resolve. Some deep-seeded secrets and desires are buried so deep in the soil that bringing them to the surface requires Truth or Consequences.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

“The Fair-Haired Maiden”

Where the water meets the rocky shore
Of Orkney Bluff next to the ruins,
There lies rubble of selkie lore
Where slept great Men, Faye, and Druins
Upon the shore in wait;
There I’ve hid my skin of fate,
Under a distant rock
And it shall never talk.
My fair-haired maiden, come away with me!
To the watery depths of the succulent sea
With a selkie, embraced arm in arm
Your seven salty tears will bless our union and keep you from any harm.

Where moonlight dances upon the waves
Our reflections gently glisten in glee,
And into the night my heart craves
The deep blue depths of the sea,
Eyes of deep seeded coals
Entwined bodies, entwined souls
Onward in joyous jubilee;
Bodies moving rhythmically
Descending the depths of the night,
While fleeing the humanly world in fright
My eyes are anxious to see.
My fair-haired maiden, come away with me!
To the watery depths of the succulent sea
With a selkie, embraced arm in arm
Your seven salty tears will bless our union and keep you from any harm.

Where the words of men whisper
In an ancient Orcadian dialect,
The frightful lore doeth stir
Leaving men to suspect,
Those selkie men shed their skins
And walk confidently upon the land
Luring both woman and maiden
To commit an unspeakable sin
Leaving a scar upon heart and hand
-Perpetuating the fear of men.
My fair-haired maiden, come away with me!
To the watery depths of the succulent sea
With a selkie, embraced arm in arm
Your seven salty tears will bless our union and keep you from any harm.

Reborn into the depths of lore,
The fair-haired maiden comes:
Nevermore to stand upon a human floor
Upon her parent’s heart it grievously strums
For, she is now lost to the deep blue sea
Never to rejoin her bloody kin
With the selkie folk forever she’ll be
-Never again to live among men.
The fair-haired maiden, she comes with me!
To the watery depths of the succulent sea
With a selkie, embraced arm in arm

Your seven salty tears will bless our union and keep you from any harm.